
  • What were the aims of the brief from your chosen charity / campaign, and did you achieve them?
    I believe for the campaign short film the main target/ aim was to provide a film which will persuade the target audience that bullying is not acceptable and also it is wrong to watch while someone is getting bullied. One way we have shown that bullying is not wright is when we have the actor looking through his messages, and all he sees is disgusting comments. This is what happens in real life where someone is getting cyber bullied and it is left for someone to handle on their own and this can lead to either death or a second chance. Another way we have met our purpose on the brief is that we are meant to persuade the people who are getting cyber bullied to call a specific number which they will help the victim.
  • What were your original ideas and how did these develop throughout the project?
    Originally our ideas had the same context and role play however the locations changed and also the characters. The original location was on the street and we changed it because there was to much distraction and also there was to many people walking up and down the street and they kept screaming etc. so the short film didn’t look professional and we changed into a corridor were it is quite but there are still people walking so it doesn’t look unprofessional. The reason we changed characters was because the original character wasn’t in our media lesson and also they had different timetables to the media lesson we were in so we weren’t as productive as we should’ve been because we had to wait for the person to get out of there lesson.
  • How well did you plan out your short film? Evaluate strengths and weaknesses
    I personally think that we planned our short film really well because we structured it in a away where it tells a moral behind the short story but also it informs you on the dangers and how you can help the people who are getting bullied by cyber bulling or bulling.

  • the short film is structured and tells a clear story.
  • We have clearly shown the information and any details we need to such as the number of the bullying company and the website.


  • as we made the short film there was errors because when we were editing the film wasn’t in one piece and it kept jumping to different scenes so

  • What were the strengths and weaknesses during filming?
  • During the film we had some struggles/weakness because we weren’t careful of the timing of the short film. This basically means that we ran out of time and had to use our free time such as lunch breaks and other breaks to continue on filming so we got our short film done
  • This also gave us less time on filming because of the short film.


  1. Some useful comments here but your Evaluation is a bit brief. You could be clearer on the role of pre-production, and clearer on your need to improve time management. You do understand and evaluate how you met the brief. Discuss audience feedback as well as listing it. Vanessa


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